Construction Management Consultant Services
Contracting Agency: USACE, Nashville District
CPS was responsible for providing the services of a Construction Management Consultant with extensive expertise and experience as a construction field manager (Area/Resident Engineer) including lock construction and slurry wall construction to conduct Independent Technical Reviews concentrating on procedures and schedules at the Chickamauga Lock Replacement and Wolf Creek Dam Seepage Rehabilitation. Typical tasks are as follows:
- Provide a Quality Control Plan.
- Perform constructability reviews on multiple design documents (both AE and USACE designs).
- Serve on multiple Independent Technical Review teams functioning as the construction expert.
- Provide review comments in the USACE Dr. Checks automated review system for each review within the prescribed timeframe.
- Participate in multiple design review meetings to discuss/resolve review comments, working with designers.
- Visit the construction sites, as requested.
Results: CPS was able to find the necessary personnel to provide the required support to USACE-Nashville. All requirements of the task were met in timely fashion, project support was completed on schedule.
On-Site Ergonomics Consultation and General Occupational Safety and Health Services
Contracting Agency: DFAS, Columbus Ohio
CPS was responsible for finding an expert in Ergonomics to support DFAS Columbus Ohio operations in comprehensive services and support in the occupational health, medical, clinical, environmental, safety, counseling, fitness and several other disciplines for approximately 2,000 employees. This would include individual employee office evaluations and workstation assessment for ergonomic correctness followed by appropriate training in support of findings.
Results: This project has been ongoing for a period almost eight years. Initially a part-time assignment of a few hours per week, the scope and involvement of our staff member(s) have grown through the years to become an integral part of the DFAS-Columbus staff.
Senior Engineering Consultation Services
Contracting Agency: URS Corporation
CPS key staff member(s) provided senior engineering consulting services to the operating contractor of three DoD chemical-weapons-demilitarization facilities. The work involved assessment and enhancement of management processes and procedures that impact human performance. Recommendations were provided that could further reduce the already very low likelihood of human error leading to personnel injury, equipment damage, schedule delays or public safety. A particular focus was corporate processes for investigation and reporting of “near-misses”, events, and operating history to better understand and eliminate root causes of problems.
Result: Successful completion of evaluation of current processes and procedures. Follow-up consultation was provided in support of internal policy development to support near-miss/event findings.
Construction Consultation Services
Contracting Agency: United States Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, TN
CPS was tasked with providing a subject matter expert to the USACE-Nashville for the purposes of technical review of the current procedures and schedules at the Chickamauga Lock Replacement and Wolf Creek Dam Seepage Rehabilitation. The contractor would be responsible for attending all design review meetings and working directly with multiple independent review teams to review/revise/update current design documents based on the panels decisions.
Results : Initially thought to be a direct placement opportunity, CPS instead responded to this task as a contract arrangement that lasted for one year. CPS found a former employee of the client, now retired. The project was completed on-time, under budget with very satisfactory results for the client.